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Welcome to Southwest Virginia Coalition for Palestine

SWVA Coalition for Palestine is committed to solidarity with the Palestinian liberation struggle. We recognize that Zionism and the Israeli state it supports are both founded in ethnic cleansing and the removal of Palestinian people from their homeland. We recognize Israel's current actions in Gaza as overt genocide. We oppose genocide and ethnic cleansing in all its forms and manifestations. We are Palestinians, Jews, and people of many other nationalities and beliefs. We seek a return to the peaceful coexistence that Jewish, Muslim, and Christian people have shared in Palestine for many hundreds of years before the creation of the Israeli state, we seek the end of Israeli apartheid, we understand that anti-Zionism is not antisemitism, and we oppose both antisemitism and Islamophobia unconditionally.

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Urgent News

DECEMBER 12th, 2023

U.N. General Assembly passes resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza: 153 countries vote in favour of resolution, 23 abstain; U.S. and Israel vote against measure AND Occupied Palestinian territory and Israel: UN experts call for permanent ceasefire to protect rights and futures of women and girls.
SOURCES: 1 2 3

NOVEMBER 10th, 2023

The World Health Organization adopted a resolution calling for immediate humanitarian access to Gaza in a rare special meeting of its executive board. One Child Killed Every Minute; Risk of Disease Growing; ‘Nowhere is Safe.’
SOURCES: 1 2 3